GRAS donations benefit ECC, DMAS
GRAS donations benefit Elora Curling Club, Drayton Mapleton Ag Society
ELORA, ON — The Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS) recently presented two cheques to local not-for-profit community groups renovating and upgrading their facilities.
On March 21, donations were awarded to the Elora Curling Club and the Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society by the GRAS, owner/operator of Grand River Raceway, at the Elora track.
The Elora Curling Club was awarded $3,500 towards upgrading the ice plant. The funds will be directed to the purchase of a high efficiency compressor motor in efforts to conserve energy, and reduce hydro costs.
The Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society received $2,000 toward its renovations of the Ag Building on its property. The organization celebrates its 160th Old Tyme Fair from August 5 – 7.
The Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS) is a not-for-profit corporation, incorporated under the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Act of Ontario and governed by a volunteer board of directors reporting to OMAFRA.
The GRAS mandate is to encourage awareness of agriculture and to promote improvements in the quality of life of persons living in an agricultural community.
-30 –
- Cheque Presentation – Elora Curling Club: (l to r) Paul Walker, President Of the Grand River Agricultural Society; Brad Sheridan, ECC Board Member; Dr. Ted Clarke, General Manager, Grand River Raceway.
- Cheque Presentation – Drayton Mapleton Ag Society: (l to r) Paul Walker, President Of the Grand River Agricultural Society; David Wooddisse, Past President DMAS; Dr. Ted Clarke, General Manager, Grand River Raceway.